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Baby dinosaur #dinosaur #illustration

An old painting I found whilst sorting through my archive for illustrations to put on my new website.

Based on a sketch I drew on the back of my Son's birthday card a few years back.


Dexter's Dinosaurs

When my Son, Dexter, was six months old I started this piece.  It marked the start of my first proper oil painting (shameful I know!) so I was full of enthusiasm for a new project, new medium and it was dinosaurs - what could go wrong?  Well, as it turns out, oil painting is actually pretty bloody difficult which is why my son has just turned two and I've only just finished it!

I could make excuses about house moves, job changes, and wrestling with different techniques, but the truth is that I didn't have a dedicated painting space at the time, and the fact that I'm so accustomed to working digitally meant the mere thought of setting up all my materials, mixing colours, being frustrated for several hours and then clearing up again, every time I wanted to paint, was enough to put me off.

I had messed about with oil colours before but never got much further than a few sketches, the required use of solvents really put me off and is why I didn't touch them again for nearly ten years.

The discovery of Winsor & Newton Artisan water soluble oil paints is what brought me back, the ability to use water for clean up making everything infinitely more convenient and enabling me to paint without worrying about the health of myself or my family.  I would highly recommend them.

But I finally found a technique that I was happy with and fought through to the bitter end, the painting now hanging proudly on my little boy's bedroom wall.

Below are some closeups of the individual letters;


Dex and Rex

Dexter loves Dinosaurs, especially the T-Rex that lives in the woods at the bottom of the garden.  Rex will often poke his head in through the nursery window to make sure his snoozing little buddy is ok.

Based on my little boy who loves dinosaurs (not that he has a choice as a baby!)

Shane S

Happy Rex-mas!

Apologies for the terrible pun.

Once I unknowingly ate reindeer and it's actually pretty good.

Have a good one!

Shane S